Spend 'Your Love' to everything you see, hear, touch... Free 'thy self' without any grudge.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
FLY !! 'my self' FLY !!
Monday, March 30, 2009
animals, animals, animals...
The Human Animal and The Reality of Life. 'We are animals indeed' by sdr. zali
Confused fairy tales
'Discuss & no grudge'
Religions offer the confused fairy tales.
Religions are temporary insanities, psychotic diseases of the mind.
Religions are like wars.
Few said they have seen angels, as they are on the verge of fooling the fools.
To fool is a religion.
Sheer astonished men fooled to die martyrs by religions' doctrines.
A man who believes a religion is an 'infidel' indeed.
with sweet tears.
Don't forget to sing
to the Adored
while they flow;
as the sweetest honey,
your tears become
the nectar of the ocean
It is is a simple song of Love
it touches your heart
and the hidden words
become a river
in your soul.
Let it flow,
let the memories
of past mistakes
be caressed by your own river,
a river of Love
that only asks for forgiveness.
When the Beloved is attained,
we see what is past
as a new beginning.
We see what will come
as what we have lived.
I had a guide.
He still is.
He does not know
how much inspiration
he brings
to this soul
that never forgot to flow
like a river
until an ocean
where the meaning of Love
cannot be comprehended by any word
or any thought.
It is the soul,
the biggest soul,
so distant from our conceptions,
so high and so true,
that takes our hand
to reach the stars.
In those stars
I still see this guide's eyes,
full of joy,
tears of joy,
songs of joy,
all in my hand.
Camino por la esfera de la vida;
caminando hacia arriba
dando la vuelta a las estrellas
en un círculo que a medida,
se va ensanchando;
y al caminar
el recorrido se hace más largo,
más amplio,
llegando a horizontes, traspasándolos.
El camino es hacia arriba,
sin embargo es un círculo permamente,
la espiral, la rueda,
la fortuna
Way to the area of life;
walking up
giving back to the stars
in a circle using
is widening;
and walking
the journey is longer,
reaching horizons, pierced.
The path is upward,
however it is a permanent cycle,
the spiral, the wheel
fortunate pilgrim.
by Pedro J. García (cs_aliens).
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Majority those termed themselves holy and yet instigate havocs and hatred are subjected to appraisal and are no more relevant worth referred.
They only tell about the laws, ‘that is wrong and that is right’. Those are what they studied from universities, and those are their religions and molded for such criteria.
Very few who love harmony however will patch this hatred in the future, for the betterment of our world.
A hypothesis ‘The cosmic God’ will solve this rift of religions.
The ‘God’ is a psychic experience of the brainy matter. Existence is totally a mental cosmic behavior, an infinite metaphysic waves, jerk of impulses thus manifests photographic feelings. Conclusively, the brain is the only existence, but it does not realize of its being total aloneness.
Religions are political Symphonies of an unseen Conductor.
Religion is any specific system of belief about deity, often involving rituals, a code of ethics, and philosophy impulses of the brain.
It has originally derived from the Latin word "religo" which means "good faith," "ritual," and other similar meanings. Or it may have come from the Latin "religãre" which means "to tie fast."
Defining the word "religion" is fraught with difficulty. Many attempts made, most seems to focus on too narrowly only a few aspects of religion; they tend to exclude those religions that do not fit well.
"It is apparent that religion can be seen as a theological, philosophical, anthropological, sociological, and psychological phenomenon of human kind. To limit religion to only one of these categories is to miss its multifaceted nature and lose out on the complete definition."
Some exclude beliefs and practices that many people passionately defend as religious. For example, their definition might include belief in a God or Goddess or combination of Gods and Goddesses who are responsible for the creation of the universe and for its continuing operation. This excludes such non-theistic.
"Seeking new and unfamiliar experiences is a fundamental behavioral tendency in humans and animals. It makes sense to try new options as they may prove advantageous in the long run
History and religions are a set of lies agreed by many- tbs
Tiada begerak satu zarah kecuali dengan izin/ kemahuan 'Tuhan'.
فما انتم إلا مسخرون تحت قهره وقدرته مرددون في قبضته وهو الأول
والآخر والظاهر والباطن
Adalah kamu2 keseluruhannya dibawah ta’luk/ paksaan terhayun/ digelorakan/ bergolak, dan dibawah genggamanNYA, paksaanNYA Dan Dia adalah yang Awal dan Akhir dan Zahir dan Bathin.
Sesungguhnya aku adalah tunggangan jiwa/ AR RUH yang diungkap ‘kuasa/ daya serta Maha Perkasa yang menundukan/ memaksa aku.
Ia menghayunku serta memutar belitku/ mencoret / melakar diriku kepelusuk dunia/ jagat/ 'kosmos minda'. Saudara2 lihat tetapnya batu2, pokok2 yang tidak berubah dari tempat2nya. Tidak akan bergerak dengan sendirinya tanpa ditunggangi seumpama Penunggang/ AR RUH/ Pemacu yang mantap, berkuasa lagi Mengengkang/ memaksa.
Near Death Experiemce
"How can dying, comatose patients perceive anything? Something important about human consciousness was to be learned."
We can get in touch with that part of the brain through prayer, meditation, even the rhythmic movement of knitting? There's no absolute proof, but to believe that people who have that near death experience are stepping into another realm.
“To interact with that light that tells us who we are and where we are to go ‘while we're still alive’ rather than ‘while we are dead’. To us is a challenge of the near-death experience."
A medical journal is pursuing to see if something physically changes in the right temporal lobe of the brain when someone has a post-death experience.
It's clear even when people are flat lining in the last moments of life, something profound is happening, it is something today's monitors can't pick up."
Critics say it is because Christians tend to see Jesus and Indians see Hindu gods Muslims see the angel of death and many will see their worldly stuffs and predict ‘what the prosperities due earn after death’, thus are, the near-death experience doesn't seem scientifically credible. It is a bad notion indeed, and a mere ‘matrix’ of a donkey.
Non-believers in God and has little interest in the experiences, many adults often have reflecting their own religious beliefs and cultures.
Most scientists and the ‘the learned’ will explain that near-death experiences caused by the lack of oxygen in the
Hallucinations and the feeling perceives physically detached from the body, terribly a total nonsense.
All existence is 'spiritual,' merely brainy matter impulses when the Total Soul or the Creator of ‘feelings of existence’ still needs the brain to function as bonding molecules. Conclusively, there is only ‘A Soul’ for all living beings. The questions to what will happen after death therefore are not appropriate to any answer. No one knows, even the prophets or the angels.
All existences, theories, doctrines, ideas, photographic impulses… are the brain’s hallucinations /illusions/ delusions/i maginaries/ dreams/f antasies, a mere hypothesis or ‘the sour grapes of the mind’. The explanations the brain does not care a damn, the moment of its ‘dead’.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Religion is 'a mere thought'
Then the religion is ‘what you know’ or human’s adaptation of his psychotic experience, or totally being obsessed. There was no religion in the initial existence of the
Religion starts scratch and originates at the baby’s birth. A metaphoric of who
Any ‘experience’ a
God is highly just and precise, His knowledge is highest sound and there is no probability of error as regard to His creations.’ God did not tyrannize though an atom even'. Therefore, open and liberate our mental faculty to His greatness and monotheist
Human is neither in heaven nor hell
LOS ANGELES - Comedian George Carlin, a counter-culture hero famed for his routines about drugs and dirty words, died of heart failure at a Los Angeles-area hospital.
Carlin, who had a history of heart and drug-dependency problems, died at Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, after being admitted earlier in the afternoon for chest pains, spokesman Jeff Abraham told Reuters.
Known for his edgy, provocative material, Carlin achieved status as an anti-Establishment icon in the 1970s with stand-up bits full of drug references and a routine called "Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television." A regulatory battle over a radio broadcast of the routine ultimately reached the U.S. Supreme Court.
In the 1978 case, Federal Communications Commission vs. Pacifica Foundation, the top U.S. court ruled that the words cited in Carlin's routine were indecent, and that the government's broadcast regulator could ban them from being aired at times when children might be listening.
Carlin's comedic sensibility often came back to a central theme: humanity is doomed.
"I don't have any beliefs or allegiances. I don't believe in this country, I don't believe in religion, or a god, and I don't believe in all these man-made institutional ideas," he told Reuters in a 2001 interview.
Carlin, who wrote several books and performed in many television comedy specials, is survived by his wife Sally Wade, and daughter Kelly Carlin McCall.
Comment by tbs; He is not going to the 'heaven or hell' as his brain/ processor is smashed.